The Empowered Retreat happens once a year in Spain and Greece

It is a 10-day retreat, and the work is divided into two parts, of 5 days each. You can take part in the whole 10 days process or in Part 1 only.

Part 1 - 5 Days

Integration with the masculine

We heal wounds and pains related to men: father, husband, couples, brothers, etc. We work on the need to be needed ("I can't live without you", "I need you to need me"), and on the projections and conditions of being a woman. We explore our principle of masculine energy, understanding masculine language, the energy of men and their way of seeing the world. This brings immense openness, acceptance and understanding towards the men of our life.

Part 2 - 5 Days

Integration with the feminine

A healing process opens with women: mother, sisters, friends, etc., of the wounds caused by jealousy, competitiveness, frustrations, anger and comparison. We learn the healthy principles of the feminine, flourishing to the beauty, magic and mystery of being a woman, and opening space to sisterhood, care and understanding of all women.

Both parts are oriented to deep healing, openness to embrace life, integration of seemingly disintegrated parts of our self, celebration and meditation.

Our journey together is intense and at the same time relaxed, fun and deeply pleasurable.